Friday, October 16, 2009

Prayer Request

Wednesday night, one of my monkeys went to bed with a very high fever, very weak, and very sick. To the doctor for tests yesterday morning, he has the swine flu, strep throat, and the croup. He has already lost 5 pounds, that he couldn't afford to loose from his skinny self. He has a heart condition, and asthma. He is on several different breathing treatments right now to strengthen his lungs. He needs much prayer. All five monkeys are taking the same meds to hopefully prevent them from getting sick. The littlest started the croupy cough this morning, no fever though. Please pray for our babies! Thank you!


  1. Keeping your sweet boy and all your family in my prayers!

  2. Sweetie, bless your dear heart. I am lifting your dear one up, asking God to quickly heal him.

  3. Oh that croup is HORRIBLE! I remember sleeping in the bathroom with the shower running so my DS 2 could BREATHE! I'm praying that he recovers quickly. Are they able to put him on Tamiflu? My boys had H1N1 earlier this season and it's NO FUN! Praying here.

  4. So sorry for your little one...will keep praying for the him and all the family.....

  5. darlin' daughter---the LORD IS HEARING AND ANSWERING prayers even now!

  6. Tiffany, I've been praying for your family and will continue in the Name of Jesus.

    Blessings and love!
