Saturday, October 17, 2009


This is the first of a series of posts to come about the miracles in my life...
I will start with my oldest boy monkey. After several "false alarms" (and I do mean several) lol, I was admitted to the hospital right before Christmas to be induced to deliver my first born son. The labor was not bad (as far as labor is concerned), it lasted about twelve and a half long hours. Both of my parents were in the room with me, I wanted them both to share in this new life with me.

Let me back up a little, I got married when I was seventeen, I was a very rebellious teenager, who thought life outside of my house just had to be the way. Looking back, my life at home was wonderful, I have the best parents anyone could ask for, there are none better. I very much regret that I did not appreciate my life then. I was raised in church, and knew I was not living right. But I was running. After just three months of marriage, I found out there was a new life coming. I was scared to death, about the same time, I found out "who I was married to" so to speak, I won't go into a lot of details, but I will say that even though I had a 'wild streak' I was always adamantly against drugs of any kind. I started finding things in my house, and all I could think was this child will never have a chance here, and I later found out that was very true for a number of reasons... So, I called my family they welcomed me back with open arms, without any judgement for what I had put them through. Which is another story altogether, not to be told yet.

So there we three were in the delivery room, getting ready to welcome a new member to our little family. During the very last stages of delivery, my little boy's heart stopped beating. I had never been so afraid in all my life! I just prayed and held onto my parents with everything in me as I was rushed into an operating room, past my sister, and my grandparents in the hall who were crying and assuring their prayers until a safe delivery, and pray they did, the whole time. The doctors began the operation, while giving me more pain medicine, because the epidural was already beginning to wear off. They allowed my mom in the operating room with me, and they let my dad observe from the door, against hospital regulations, but they would not leave me, and I would not let them leave either. After a very few minutes, I heard the most beautiful sound in all the world, my baby was screaming! He was alive, and mad!! The doctor later told us that the cord was around his neck, they got to him just in time! Oh, he was the most beautiful little boy in all the world, and he was healthy! All 6 lbs, 9 oz of him!
As the days past, we realized that he had an eating problem, he was fed with a syringe at first then a preemie bottle. He could not nurse. At the time, we were all just very grateful to have him, that we didn't think too much about it, he just had to get my nourishment a different way. But now looking back I think that was maybe the first sign there was something different about him. He grew and matured normally until it came time to walk, which he did not do until he was 19 months old, and he did not talk until he was about 4 and a half. He has been in speech therapy, language therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy, since he was just over a year old. We have been searching for the eluding answers ever since. Recently we were told he has autistic disorder, and mild cerebral palsy which were both suspected. They are sill running more tests to assure that nothing has been missed in his treatment... This boy has been through so much in his young life, he was adopted by my second husband, his brother's dad, when we were married before his first birthday, and officially a little while later. Recently this dad decided he did not want to be that to him anymore. He still does not quite understand this, but thankfully has blocked most of these things that have happened out, he still asks 'why' sometimes, but not as much anymore. You see my husband, the love of my life, has filled that void for him, with all the love a father has for a son. That little boy tells anyone who will listen who his dad is, and that he loves him very much!
This little sunshine that was formed by God and was almost lost at the beginning, is the one who brought my family back together. He has brought so much happiness into our lives! Loving, that is the one word that describes this little gift. He always has hugs for all those people in his life he loves. He has so much love to give, that is God's gift to this world, to our family, the love of this child.
It amazes me that there are those out there who can not see God's love in children such as these. What a wonderful gift God gave me for Christmas that year!


  1. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story of your precious miracle sweetie. God bless you.

  2. As a mother of many handicapped children and grandchildren, I can tell you that you are going to lead a very blessed life. These children are wonderful in and of themselves, and they just lead us to look at the world so differently. You may never know why your child has difficulties. You may never know what to call the name of the challenge -- or you may know only much later. My youngest son, Doah, had CHARGE syndrome, but he is, as far as we know, the oldest child in the USA with the syndrome -- which was not even discovered and named until he was 12! And he was followed by the very best hospitals - Stanford, National Children's Medical Center, Boston Children's, Pittsburgh Children's, Cincinnati Children's. None of them knew what the problem was, so we all just dealt with the symptoms. Doah is now an adult. He is mentally challenged but lives semi-independently in a group home, works in a sheltered workshop, and brings a lot of joy to a lot of people with his innate happiness. The label does not matter. The reason does not matter. All that matters is the fact that God gave you a wonderful son, helped you to hang onto him, and will continue to help you and him as long as you permit. God bless you!

  3. What a sweet testimony...and miracle...looking forward to reading more....

  4. What a great testimony you have here. My oldest daughter has had some similar experiences.

    I will be praying for your son as well.

    Love to you

  5. A beautiful story about how God brings beauty from ashes! What a blessing he has given you in your son and in your family. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Sweet girl. I am as proud to be your mama as the day they handed me you in the delivery room. You were---and STILL are an answer to our prayers for a daughter.

    God blessed us with two beauties and He just keeps pouring it on!

    I love you--your daddy loves you---and most of all---your FATHER in heaven is so incredibly proud of you right now.

    Your testimony will encourage many. We don't none understand how we could possibly take the wrong turns in life that we do...but the key is the turning to GOD that counts. He can make all the wrong turns work out---and HE will get glory from our hearts and lives as we continually learn to lean on and trust in HIM---through all the sick monkeys and rebellious monkeys, and the GROWING and changing monkeys. God is incredibly good. All the time!

    I love you my dear girl.

    Thank you for sharing your heart and God's miracles in your life.

    I might "think" I know which miracle is next...but then I just might be surprised what comes next in your line of miracles... :)

  7. Tiffany, a beautiful, transparent testimony of GOD's love on your life and your son. Praying for you and your blessings (children).

    Keep sharing your heart. It pleases the Father in heaven I'm sure.

    Blessings and love!
